Bemused.v.1.73 Freeware

Bemused.v.1.73 Freeware For Symbian Application
Bemused.v.1.73 Freeware

Bemused is a system which allows you to control your music collection from your phone, using Bluetooth. It requires a Series 60 v3 phone and a PC with a Bluetooth adapter.
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You can do the following with Bemused: Browse your music collection on your phone Play files in any format supported by Winamp - including MP3s, CDs, MIDIs, etc. Control Winamp versions 2, 3 and 5, Windows Media Player and PowerPoint Viewer Pause, stop, rewind, fast-forward etc. Add songs to the playlist and use shuffle and repeat Browse and select songs in your playlist Download songs to your phone (supported formats: WAV and MIDI; plus MP3 for UIQ) Customise the look of the system with skins
Download Bemused.v.1.73.sis

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